Farid, my magician friend, asked me an offer which I found extremely difficult to refuse — that is to reindulge ourselves in a battle of magic the gathering, or MTG. I think it’s a double edged sword. Well not really a sword, but what’s MTG then?
This is it.
I sense myself going back into my MTG addiction days, when I’d scrimp on food to get myself booster packs or expansion packs of the game, that randomly contained 15 of such cards.
MTG was a collector’s dream with many many expansions and thousands of cards, but couple it with the randomness of booster packs, it could turn to be a collector’s nightmare too! Hence, these cards soon assumed a price of their own, where they were traded amongst players and collectors. Pssst, if you held the right cards for the right time, and sold it at the right price, you could really make a handsome profit.
And if you happened to be the latest owner of this particular card, then you’d probably have to part with US$20,000!!! Yes, that’s how much this card got sold for! Wow. Just a card eh? Just a game eh?
I kept telling myself that too — just a game, until I spent $$$$ and became a collector of sorts. Btw, $$$$ was also the main reason most of my gaming buddies ‘retired’ from the game. It’s just too much to keep up with, but I think these cards are worth more than just $$$$ and that’s why I continued silently.
Some of the card’s artworks are pure brilliance, some ‘flavour text’ are witty, but most of the time I keep them just because it’s nostalgic and gives visiting friends an opportunity to ‘catch up’ on our history. Good times, when we’re playing the game.
And with Farid’s invitation, I sense plenty of hours of deckbuilding and playtesting to come. Heh. As if my diminishing free time isn’t already occupied with DOTA, now I’m back in the world of MTG again!
Oh well, time to unleash the swords — rhetorically of course, ‘cos I have no swords at home. Heh.
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