Gee, when is a scam ever cute?
Actually, never, but when it’s a 13year old kiddo that’s having a major Schizophrenia attack, who simply can’t decide if he want’s to be an Englishman or a Frenchman, it’s surely cute as a pie.
Only 13year olds, learned in the art of texting, will apply such slang and blasphemous language, while phishing, upon the blob of ADHD-overloaded working adults, that is facebook users, and start phishing.
For the uninitiated, phishing is when someone, or some site, imitates 99% of another legitimate site and makes you go through the (pretentious) usual username+password login thingy, only to steal that info and then dump you into a dummy website, where if you’re lucky, videos of Obama Vin Diesel are on incessant reruns.
If you’re unlucky, they just steal your username+password, your credit card details, your personal addresses, your baby photos, your list of most visited porn sites and then send these information to a scam ring in Nigeria, and you wouldn’t want that to happen right?
Like who’d want their list of porn sites to be stolen? (In any case, I’ll show my favourite here, so there’s no need to steal them from me anymore.)
So I enjoy playing Zynga Poker on Facebook a lot, and it’s taught me plenty of life applicable lessons as well, especially in the summarised context of when to hold your cards, and when to fold your cards.
Btw since Zynga Poker utilises virtual currency, there’s no real money involved, so I’ll consider myself vindicated of any gambling accusations, and gambling is bad for you — IF you’re a lousy gambler that is, because gambling is a skill and luck is only temporary.
Anyway, back to this phishing scam thingy, it’s applaudable that there was effort to think of coming up with a username like ‘Zynga Admin’ or an appname like ‘Texasholdem_center’, but at the same time, it’s laughable that its sales’ pitch was badly translated.
That’s what you get from outsourcing your copywriting materials to your cousins eh?
And using the title ‘Final Warning’ when this is the first (fake) warning that i’m receiving from the phisher, it just don’t add up.
Though the scammer did one thing right, that is to provide a time frame for facebook (dumb) users to react and proceed to the phishing site or app, 24hours is simply too short a time.
Like what if people genuinely forgot about it and missed the deadline, and when they don’t get kicked out of the game, won’t they realise that your threat is simply, for the lack of a better words (and it rhymed, a little), full of crap.
AND you know what makes this scam an even bigger sham? That the scammer is phishing a virtual gambling game, which uses virtual currency with which you’re only able to buy virtual drinks and snacks for your virtual friends.
Maybe the phisher could share a thing or two from these real(ly) dumb criminals.
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