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My Sister's Keeper
I’ve watched a couple of movies lately, Clash of The Oh-It’s-So-Good Titans, It’s Complicated, The Men Who Stare At Goats, The Green Zone, and rewatched My Sister’s Keeper again.

These are all really good movies, entertaining in their own rights, and never quite disappointing, but the latter has never failed to move me with every repeat viewings. No I don’t get that same level of experience like when I’m taking on Avatar, but the nostalgic flashbacks that I get of my own first hand experience of living with someone who’s terminally ill, well that’s how My Sister’s Keeper keeps me glued.

Watching the girls’ battle against their mum’s will, seeing how the older brother gets mildly alienated in the process, and how the father keeps up the strong front of trying to keep the family strings together, well in very simple words, it’s all admirable and reinforcefull.

Nevermind that I didn’t quite like Cameron Diaz playing the Mother role and couldn’t really evoke as much eagerness, sadness and force as, say a certain Renee Zellweger or Sandra Bullock, but she did not bad on the whole.

Overall the movie moves back and forth in time and narration of the various leading character leads the shifts and tells you a story of love and release and how a Mother’s love can be strangling, despite all the care and concern — because sometimes, you need to learn how to let go.

In short, My Sister Keeper is a show of how Mother comes to accept her child’s passing, only during her dying moments, not without a purposefully court scenes just to show her so.

The thing about this movie is that I loved the strengths and weakness of each characters, and particular the understanding and accomodating nature of the Father’s character. Comparing from an Asian context, I wonder how many Asian fathers would react like how Jason Patric did. It’s simply and admirably charming.

So go ahead, if you’ve yet to watch a sappy lovely drama of family strengths and acceptance, go give My Sister’s Keeper a chance and who knows, maybe you’ll find your own strengths and weakness and learn to embrace them as well.

Now that’s not a bad thing right?