Krystn, A blogger I stumbled upon recently had issues with finding a job.
My sister, cousins and friends, well they all had issues with finding a job, just like you, me and everybody else.
The issue is actually not so much of landing a job, but landing one that you feel suits you best.
That elusive ideal job.
Nobody is spared the hassle nor the torture of finding that ideal job, and it’s heart-breakingly true when I say that the ideal job will not land itself on our doorstep or window panes as we open them up to let the Sunday morning sun shine through.
I’ve come to an agreement, after years of debating with myself that it’s never the academics achievement that will truly land you the job that your heart desires.
Simply because your heart doesn’t know what it truly desires until it has experienced it for itself, and just for the records, if I had 10 children, I do wish that they would all be able to grab a hotseat at a University and fulfil, as much as possible, their academics opportunities.
Of course should they fail so, I would gladly point out to them that academics isn’t everything.
With no disrespect to Professor Randy Pausch, he was originally declined admission into his desired University based on their judgements of his academics performance, but thanks to a very passionate mentor of his, who had a very good friend inside that University, he was given a second look — and not only did he went on to become a professor for that University, he kickstarted a movement, got an official day and achieved numerous childhood dreams.
It’s not always a case of WHAT you know, but rather of WHO you know, and Professor Randy Pausch knew the right people at the right time, as he amassed bridges while accelerating through life.
So what do you do if you find yourself languishing feebly in the search for that ideal job?
Well, if Professor Randy Pausch is of any esteemed benchmark, stop kicking yourself, get out there, get things done and start building lifebridges, a term which I don’t even know exist or not but hey it’s pretty much self-explanatory.
Continuously be on the lookout for new lifebridges, mend and maintain existing ones while don’t ever leave any burning, because you’ll never know which one might just lead you to that ideal job you’ve been looking for.
In laymen terms, start taking actions.
Anyway, if it so happens that your ideal job miraculously landed on your doorsteps-slash-window pane, I’d so love to know of it.
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