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I am 28 years old. I have been for a good few months now.

Is it normal that everyday one thinks of ways to make money, online and offline, if only to be able to reach out to more people and be of value to more people.

Sure, striking it rich may sound really good, but that choice words make it sound as if one is seriously hoping for a miracle lottery ticket, just so one can visit the far off countries and not work for years and live off the lottery ticket.

I hope that I can strike it rich, but no I don’t go out and buy lottery tickets or toto or 4D, but no not those means, because having played poker lately, I learned that luck evens out, and in the long run, you’re going to lose more money simply by punting — unless you’re skillfully lucky, but there’s not a lot of people who are like that.

I hope that I can strike it rich so that I can make life better, not just for me but for my family, my friends, my community, for being rich and enjoying the riches alone, well you’re really just alone aren’t ya?

What’s good, or fun in being filthy rich and you fear in sharing the wealth?

No, I’m not saying that one should work hard and be an instant philanthropist unconditionally, because believe it or not, there are people out there who will not think twice in living off your riches.

There are people out there who simply will not fend for themselves becauase they know there are saints looking after them, and not because they are disabled or anything.

These leeches are the ones that I truly, madly, deeply, have zero affinity with.

And then there are people who you know that have been working so hard for almost all their lives, and yet with little too show for either: 1) they’re education level were limited thus opportunities weren’t realised, 2) they’re leeched of their hard work and earnings, 3) they have yet to meet that one opportunity that could transform their lives.

Living with them, I know for myself how hard they work, and how much they have had to sacrifice just so that they can provide a decent level of living for their families.

In my own eyes, husbands and wives spent more time at work, than at home, all in the name of feeding a family.

In my own eyes, I could see what working hard and hard work really meant.

And now that I am at a level where I can assist in bits and pieces, I feel that they are deserving of my assistance, even though others who’ve been glancing through the window may cut a doubtful figure.

You see, I took the liberty of doing up an excel sheet of my income and expenses and it astonished me that without my realising, I’ve been giving away quite a chunk of my paycheck — and no, I certainly don’t regret sharing any of it away.

I read somewhere about how one should really be thrifty with their money, by saving 10% of their salary in a special ‘Don’t touch me’ account, donate 10% towards charity, and then having the liberty of the 80% at your own mercy.

I realised that I’ve been sharing nearly 35-40% of my paycheck towards my family, and now that I’m finding myself in a tight situation (no thanks to a slow pick-up in business this year).

Sometimes I wonder if I’m vandalising my own ticket to a higher level by not having the extra loose change to invest elsewhere, and by investing I don’t mean trust funds or stocks but rather in areas pertaining to self development, maintenance, savings, career, family and such~

It’s a double edged sword, but one that I carry with great pride and satisfaction nevertheless.

Once in a while I do tell myself that I could have gotten that PS3 or PSP, or receive a bike upgrade, but in the long run, and truly, madly, deeply deep down inside, I know that nothing, yes nothing can buy what a loving family is able to give.

But I do aim to be rich (oh everyone does), but not just in the currency of dollars and signs, and certainly not via a punter’s ticket.

In the movie ‘The Pursuit Of Happiness’, Christopher Anderson, played by Will Smith, quoted “I met my father for the first time when I was 28 years old. I made up my mind that when I had children, my children were going to know who their father was.

Tonight, I wonder, what will my children think of me when they turn 28?

Interestingly, towards the end, the movie also quoted “That maybe happiness is something that we can only pursue and maybe we can actually never have it. No matter what.

*Wishful Thoughts*