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Rooftop Garden

You don’t normally see this do you? A garden on the rooftop of a carpark. A few weeks back, I think the colours were brighter, with white flowers, but yesterday (when I took this pic) it was all warm red and tainted green. I think the botanies have also grown a bit bigger, thus the garden looks a little overgrown.

I can’t pinpoint when this garden was first set up but I recall seeing batches of botanies during its early stages.  My first thought was that the govt was probably setting up a beta hydrophonics farm but since I’ve not seen a single person plucking any fruits or vegetables on deck, I’d think otherwise.

Come to think about it, I’ve not really seen anyone on that deck before, and for as long as I’ve been staying in this area, I’ve not even tried going to the rooftop to give it a good check — and as interesting as this garden may look like, I couldn’t really find enough excuse to give it a visit. And I think this is the first picture I’ve ever taken too.

Hmmm, I don’t really know why, but just felt like sharing this. Something unique eh?