It seemed unreal that a site as popular, as huge, as widely-accepted-by-the-mass-web-users is now… seized and forced to close down by US regulators, and it leaves me wondering what it is that they are regulating.
I might feel inclined to believe that the ones being regulated are the fat wallets and the insane paychecks of the movie producers, and if they’d really wanted to rightfully earn their money, then why spend millions in shows, such as Golden Globes and the Academy as well as obscene movie promotions, where they fly their stars around the world?
In any case, it is sad to see Megaupload go, not least they’ve been misused, and abused by the pirateers, but the thought that millions of simple users like you and me that are affected, and affected by having our paid accounts seized and rendered useless.
Oh man.. and to think that I’ve just resubscribed to another 2 months worth of subscription to watch “How I Met Your Mother” online~
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