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For the non-Muslims there might be a plethora of outlets to enjoy authentic Roasted Chicken Noodle but for Muslims (in Singapore) there’s not a lot of halal Chinese cuisine. And somehow the moment that I found one, every plate just seems to taste better and every chicken wing just seems crispier.

There’s this coffeeshop in Clementi, nearby the interchange and somewhat hidden around a road bend that, in my opinion, has one of the best roasted chicken noodles around. The uncle and auntie serves really good food and are very friendly too. Priced at $3 per plate, it’s difficult to resist getting a second helping when good food comes cheap — and if I think I can’t finish a second plate, I’d request for extra chicken! Gerekz!!!

One grunt, if any, that I have would be of the drinks stall’s waiter/waitresses.  I think they’re from China and unfortunately not as proactive as local uncles who wait the tables. That deep voice, square head, and blunt English almost confirm their country of origin and I wonder if it has anything to do with their service, or the lack of it. Being in the service line myself, I suppose I’m more critical of how the work gets carried around. Pffft!

And what else but a few more hours of gaming session to top off the evening of super delicious roasted chicken noodle.

Aloha Cybercafe, at West Coast SRC, is now me and my buddies venue of choice thanks to its well lit and comfy ambience, and when compared to the dimly lit and gangly Zoom, it’s light years ahead. Han just can’t stop singing praises of the premise and indeed it has been well received, judging by the number of patrons, of good looking boys and girls, that it has.

If I had the chance to set up my own lanshop, Aloha Cybercafe would be my perfect blueprint indeed, but I don’t so the next best thing is to patronize it with my gaming buddies, and blast the night away. Oh, and its not too hard on the wallet too, just like the chicken noodles! Best lah!