Godma and family are away in KL for the school holidays and I’m a little bit jealous because I’m not able to get a holiday for myself. THough I did got on the bus to Terengganu a few months back but the 2 days spent there under shelter from the torrential rain could never qualify it as a holiday. I really want a holiday but where should I be heading eh? Japan, no money. Norway, no time. KL or Bangkok, no interest. Hais~
Maybe all I really need is a long off. I can’t help it as I actually helped myself to a late morning wake up today as I rushed to retrieve my bike from the workshop. Normally I’d be on the way to the office at 9.30am, but at 10am I’d only just woke. By the time I fetched back my bike from HKL and reached office, it was already 11.30am plus — but the rush was cushioned, pun intended, by my refurbished Ohlins suspension.
At $320, it was a steal compared to a brand new unit priced over $1000++! Guess what? Check out the video that they took of the refurbishing process here! No wonder they insisted on refurbishing the suspension when I sent the bike for servicing the other day. Though it took ’em a long time, I think it’s all worth it. Riding the bike is super smooth now. It’s amazing la — the bike feels so still and smooth now! Any bikers out there looking for a satisfied Ohlins customer, ahem, I’ll testify for them! Once you’ve tried Ohlins, you’ll never look back.
Looking back, anyways, I think I’ve spent too much already this month, as I’m already dipping into my savings and it’s only mid June. It’s funny how you think you’ve budgeted enough for the month and then somehow it’ll still never be enough. Of course the bike workshop fee took a big chunk of my expenditures but another careless characteristic of me came back to haunt me, expensively!
I’d always protract my bills payment and usually I settle them all on time. Unfortunately, I terribly overlooked my credit card statement and from a $25 pizza dinner, the bill+late charges+interests amounted to $135 (ni just 2 months!)!!! I’m contemplating that this would be my last ever credit payment! I certainly don’t mind stretching the dollar or the time that I have, but stretching bill statements has to end. Indeed I think I’ve generuosly donated an extra $5 to Singtel for recurring late payments and some other late charges for something else for casually delaying payments! No wonder I’m feeling the credit pinch these days.
And then at work John dropped a bomb. He’s resigning, or contemplating to, in the next 2 months. Wow, I just can’t believe it. That he beat me to it. It sucks.
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