by | Dec 26, 2011 | Uncategorized
Phew.. And I thought that would be lost in the wilderness of the world wide web forever…

And then it hit me that youths around the world, okay maybe around singapore that takes trains (when they’re not breaking down) and buses still need their fix of custom printed EZ-link stickers, and how cruel it’d be to rob them off of this opportunity.
Oh, how could I just sit by and do nothing, denying these youths the chance to express themselves?
I remember a wise man once said ‘When good men do nothin, evil triumphs’.
Or something like that.
And so is back online, enabling youths to sticker up their EZ-links and brining joy and smiles back into our faces.
by | Dec 11, 2011 | Uncategorized
I’ll have to admit that I was certainly expecting a far more mesmerising movie, but for what The Muppets had to offer, i was nostalgically, pleasingly and wholly entertained.
I’m certainly glad that I didn’t give it a pass. Cue, wide, beaming smile.

The original Jim Henson’s The Muppet Show
I have to admit that The Muppet Show, or TMS, was not at all on my radar and I only chanced upon it while browsing for reviews of Breaking Dawn, the ‘in’ movie right now — why, everybody loves sultry vampires, shirtless-werewolves and a-teen-angsted-girl-that-can’t-wait-to-get-it right?
Apprently, after reading enough reviews of Breaking Dawn: Part 1, it dawned on me that there’s only 2 things worth noting of that movie.
1) That ‘wedding ceremony dream’ and 2) the ‘bella and baby birthing’ scenes. Ok, next!
And then there was The Muppets, a show that I’ve never really loved nor went all out to catch an episode of, but somehow reading its reviews won and warmed every bits and pieces of my heart, of which Breaking Dawn’s reviews managed to tear, crush and disappoint succesfully,
Here’s a disclaimer though: Unless you are an animated character yourself, The Muppets will probably bore you halfway into show, but if you’ve always had that little kid in you lying dormant for a very long time, then there’s no better movie to let it out to than this.
Like I mentioned earlier, it’s a nostalgically, pleasing show that puts you in a world where the only line drawn between Man and Muppets are… oh, there’s no line!
For goodness’ sake, it’s The Muppets!
The movie is musically pompous, and comically graphic, but take nothing away from its ability to reel you emotionally into their world, a world which is in danger of being wiped away due to Kermit’s initial act of passing over the Muppets Studios’ deeds to an oil baron, in hopes of better care, and as we all know too soon, it’s all but a scam!
That’s where Walters, our main lovable star comes in, and I must say how spot on the guys at Disney were in building up his character from the start, as it’s hard to not empathise for Walters as he watch his brother, Gary, grows up.
While all the growing up happens, all of a sudden you’re whisked into the magical and maddening, earnest and endearing world of the Muppets, as they seek once more to preserve themselves, and as much as I’d like to say how much of a cliche this movie is, it all somehow feels warm and fuzzy, and everything is good.
As The Muppets climaxed and went for it’s closing moments, I felt a tingling sensation at the back of my tear glands, where I’d sum up the feeling as if I was transported back into the 80’s, where watching hand-driven puppets were as convincing as today’s 3D graphics.
Indeed if you were to ask I’d retort with ‘who needs 3D’ when you’ve the Muppets?
Indeed, all those high star ratings for The Muppets have been wholesomely deserved, and as for Breaking Dawn, oh well, I think that I’ll still pass!
And now, if only I can get one of them ‘travel-by-map’ button…
by | Dec 2, 2011 | Uncategorized
Football is a simple game based on the giving and taking of passes, of controlling the ball and of making yourself available to receive a pass. It is terribly simple.
– Bill Shankly
.. and I wholeheartedly agrees so. I miss football dearly, after weeks of non-football action. D*mn the rain.
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