by | Oct 25, 2011 | Uncategorized
Love makes the world go round.
And I love these two much, much, much.

My dad with my lovely little baby.
Okay I lied, cos It’s actually my uncle’s son, but isn’t he just so adorable?
Shower kids with love and they’ll grow to appreciate and be generous in the currency of the heart.
You could even shower them with a birthday party and smile beamingly like my dad here.

He threw a birthday party for little Irfan and I’m jealous because I didn’t even get one when I turned one!
Or perhaps not that I could remember but…

… cute birthday cake right?
The strawberries and mangoes are screaming “bite me, bite me!” while the cream, well it’s just white uh?
In any case, I’m not a fan of cakes, so even if it looks deliciously yummy, I don’t think I’ll miss not eating this.
But I do miss this yummy little boy here.

One of God’s gift for us to appreciate and nurture and love.

Oops, make that TWO of God’s gift to appreciate greatly, nurture endlessly and love unconditionally.
by | Oct 24, 2011 | Uncategorized
I wish I could run that little bit faster.
I wish I could dribble that little bit quicker.
I wish I could pass the mikasa ball that little bit further.
Even though it’s been almost every weekend that I pump myself up by chasing a 10 inch rubber ball around the green fields with 21 other grown men, I think I’m not conditioning myself well.
The late nights of magic-deck-tuning or dota-rampaging has been punishing my recovery and taxing much of my energy, and there’s one more thingy that I believe that’s turning into quite a significant factor in the decline of my footballing performances.
Stress level.
Okay I’ll admit, that that’s two factors, but my point being that I’ve not been disciplining myself with regards to my body’s recovery.
Especially after pushing my body gruelly for nearly 3 hours of intense workout, that involves accelerating, tackling, getting tackled, jumping like mad men, sprinting 10-15metres every minute or so, jogging continuously and of course there’s that tiny rippling effect of your mind being psyched like a dog on rabids during games.
It’s intense I tell ya, but I know that when the referee blows the final whistle, that it’s just a friendly game, and while my mind is able to recover at speed, sadly my body doesn’t follow suit.
At 29 years old, it’s time that I prepare a regime for myself, or else I won’t replenish what I’ve lost and then not being able to perform optimally come weekends.
Here’s what I plan to do:
Friday: Grab a carb heavy dinner. Minimise oily foods intake. Finish 1/2 bottle of 100plus. Grab 2-4 bananas and munch. Rest begins at midnight.
Sat: Soccer at 3pm with Skopets FC. Finish 1 bottle of 100 plus. Grab 2-4 bananas and munch. Grab a carb+protein balanced dinner. Minimise oily food intake Apply Deep Heat before resting at midnight.
Sun: Soccer at 3pm with Goals On Sight FC. Finish 1 bottle of 100 plus. Grab 2-4 bananas and munch. Grab an extremely protein heavy dinner. Minimise oily food intake Apply Deep Heat before resting at midnight.
Mon: Breakfast to consist of light carbs and light protein. Lunch and dinner to be medium protein and medium carbs and to minimise oily food intake. Grab 2-4 bananas and munch. Rest at midnight.
For now, I think I’ll plan from Friday to Monday first and see how it’ll turn out.
I’m not even sure if I’m able to strictly keep to this regime, but I’ll try to.
I know that I have to or I won’t be able to pass that little bit further.
Or I won’t dribble that little bit quicker.
Or run that little bit faster.
by | Oct 22, 2011 | Uncategorized
… playing Magic actually. Magic what?
Magic: The Gathering, or MTG or just Magic for shorts, a game where two or more players pit their wits against each other using a deck of cards that they’ve assembled either by purchasing those cards, or stealing them.
If the sounds of cards being chucked around sounds a little geeky to you, well that’s because it’s a geek’s game. Really.
I remember when I first opened my pack of booster cards, a bunch of 15 randomly inserted cards, sold in a nice, shiny commercial pack.
More often than not, you don’t always get the cards that you’d want to have in your playing deck, but cards which are lacklustre in terms of gamplay quality.
But sometimes you’ll get that one card where everyone wants to have a piece of, and when you do, people will start to surround you and begging you to sell it to them.
You’d feel like you’ve just won the million dollar jackpot then.
Of course, that was back then, and fast forward to today, or the past month to be exact, I’ve been reliving my childhood days of indulging in these Magic cards.
Every Friday, you’ll find me with my loved one at the weekly ‘Friday Night Magic’ event that fortunately takes place near my office, at Dhoby Ghaut MRT.
Funny enough, for someone who pursues excellence, somehow I do not find the thrill in assembling myself a kick-ass proven deck, but instead to listen to my inner-contrarian’s voice, and instead play against the flow.
I play cards that others don’t. I make moves where others simply shun. Well, like I’ve said it, somehow when it comes to playing Magic, I indulge myself with a contrarian’s approach, and so it’s not surprising that…
.. after 4 weeks of competition, I’ve only managed to win 1 solitary match against..
.. an invisible opponent!
That’s right, my crowning glory of tasting my first ever victory against an opponent, was against one that never arrived to take his seat.
Oh well, a win is a win right?
Even if it took me 4 weeks to announce that I’m back.
MTG, ftw.
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